GTD success factor #2 exists only on the foundation of understanding David Allen’s GTD® methodology. Reading the book and comprehending the philosophy is the essential first step to achieving stress-free productivity. You simply can’t skip it.
Once you read the book and understand the GTD® methodology, you’re ready to move on step #2 of the GTD success process.
And step 2’s a biggie – selecting the right software tool to support your GTD practice.
Success Factor #2: Selecting the right GTD software app
Those comfortable with the GTD methodology understand that they must create a trusted system outside their brain. This requires you to select a tool, or a suite of tools, to implement the methodology.
And, there’re no shortage of choices.
A quick Google search for “best app for GTD” returns a dizzying array of responses and everyone has an opinion on what tool is best (I’m no exception – more on that in a bit).
Choosing an app often becomes a rabbit hole the GTD hopeful never escape. And, just like in step 1, a huge warning sign that you’ve fallen down this rabbit hole is that you're app switching.
Here are some hard truths:
Truth #1: There’s no “perfect” GTD app out there.
The GTD app David sketched out in 1994 still doesn’t exist. So stop trying to find the perfect app – there isn’t one!
Instead, do your research, and pick a powerful and promising tool (Evernote’s my choice – here’s why).
Then, learn the software and move forward, organizing within the boundaries of the software (success steps 3 and 4...more on this to come).
It’s possible to use a single tool (Evernote) to organize and manage your entire GTD system. I know because I personally do it. And I’ve been doing this every day for nearly a decade. I also have an army of customers who do the same, with great success.
Truth #2: You’re unproductive with GTD because you keep switching apps.
Kyle’s discovered the secret. STOP SWITCHING APPS!
Your desire to app switch is based in one – or more – of these reasons:
Related to the first truth – you want a perfect GTD app, but it doesn’t exist.
You’re looking for an app to automate GTD for you. But, GTD can’t be automated. This is a red flag you’re disconnected from the GTD methodology (see step #1 and re-read the book.)
You don’t understand the tool you’ve chosen, so you switch to the hot new app with all the buzz, because it must be easier to use…right? The issue isn’t the app. The issue is your tech knowledge of the app (see step #3).
You love that blank slate feeling a new app provides. You feel overwhelmed by everything you’ve captured in your current tool because you’re disorganized and need to hone your GTD habits. You conclude it’s the tool and start fresh. That works great until your stuff piles up again and you feel the urge to jump ship to the next app du–jour. Your problem isn't the app. Your problem is you don’t have GTD success steps 3, 4 and 5 in place (keep reading).
Despite your reason for switching apps, all these reasons have the same impact on your GTD practice – they distract you from actually doing GTD. Instead, you waste valuable time, energy and focus on all the wrong things.
The next time you want to switch apps — STOP! Read the rest of this guide first. By the end you’ll know the EXACT steps to follow to succeed with GTD. Your app-switching urges will magically disappear.
The solution for this truth: Picking – and sticking with – with one GTD app.
Mastering Success Factor #2:
Research tools that hold promise for you in creating your GTD trusted system.
If Evernote’s on your shortlist, study this article I wrote to understand why it’s the best option for GTD.
Then, commit to your chosen app and get on with it!
Although picking your tech tool is a critical step in your GTD success path, you’re not done yet.
You must also become fluent in your tool, which is GTD success factor #3.