How many notes do you have in Evernote?


Nov 18 2024 | Issue 18 | Link to this issue | Subscribe

Hi Reader –

As much as I love Evernote, I too get frustrated when there are performance issues and bugs. Since I'm not an Evernote employee, I can speak candidly about occasional frustrations. So let’s talk about a recent challenge — and about the importance of knowing your note count.

Two weeks ago, I hit a significant roadblock. When Evernote released v10.114.2, Evernote laggggggged for me. Notes wouldn't load properly, navigation became painfully slow, and my productivity (and my blood pressure) suffered.

It didn’t take long for me to start looking to Evernote for an answer to what was going on.

That's when I spotted an X post from Federico Simionato, Evernote's head of product:


His tweets made it clear that users with large accounts (defined as having more than 1,000 notes) were the ones feeling the performance pain. With over 34,000 notes in my account, I qualify.

Evernote acted quickly. They released a patch (v10.114.3) the next day, which fixed the main problems. Further improvements to performance, particularly for Windows users, appeared with v10.114.4 shortly after.

Reminder: The latest desktop client (which is already up to v10.115+) can always be downloaded here).

🤔 Does your account meet Evernote's current definition of "large?"

Federico's tweet about account size got me thinking. I'm curious: how many of our readers have more than 1,000 notes?

👇🏻 Take a minute and respond to this quick poll.

If you're not sure how many notes you have, check the tutorial below the poll.


Don’t know your note count? Here’s a quick tutorial:

An early tip I share with new Academy members is how to turn on the "Show Note Count" setting.

Not only will displaying note counts give you a quick overview of your total notes, it also provides valuable insight for designing advanced Evernote workflows and managing your projects more effectively.

Why Knowing your note count is important:

What you capture to Evernote gets saved as notes. And, in many cases – especially for those of us who use Evernote as a project manager for our lives – notes represent things you want to get done. And note count is a surprisingly helpful visual indicator about the amount of work you have on a project, which can help you better organize your day.

For example:

  • Knowing you have 2 notes in a "Leads" notebook is an excellent visual cue to how much attention you need to give this particular section of your business.

  • Noticing you have 3 notes in your default notebook is a lot different from having 200 notes. I often emphasize the importance of “Tilting and Filing” information in Evernote as an organizational best practice. The note count helps you track how much content you’ve collected and still need to organize.

“Show Note Count” Training:

Note count always displays on mobile. Find it at the top of your Note's list:


On Desktop:


On Web (and Desktop):

Settings -> Preferences -> Sidebar -> Show note counts (select this):


Turn on your note count today to better visualize your workload and keep your Evernote organization on track.

🧠 Academy Members: Review the Evernote Settings Course for detailed training on your side bar settings and all the settings you have access to for customizing your sidebar. It’s a key step in optimizing your Evernote productivity.

Now that you know how to find your note count, let me know how many you have in the poll above. Your feedback will help me choose future newsletter topics!


Friendly reminder: Although I'm an Evernote Certified Expert, I don't work for Evernote. You can direct any feedback you have for them using the options found on their Contact page, or message them on X.

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Stacey Harmon