Join Stacey Harmon as she presents a session on effective personal brand building with social media for the UT McCombs School of Business Alumni Association as part of their career resources webinar series.
Do you have a strategy for your personal brand? As Tom Peters said in Fast Company, “All of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.” Recruiters, prospects, and customers all develop instant opinions of you through social profiles and a simple web search of your name.
Empower your digital personal brand in this session with Stacey Harmon’s 8 guiding principles, each designed for the socially savvy and not-so-savvy alike. Whether you’ve been marketing on-line for years or are still struggling to get started, this session is guaranteed to enrich your knowledge of personal brand building on social sites and craft a positive, professional, and likable image of you in today’s digital world.
Join the presentation at the McCombs Alumni Network Career Resources page.