A smart Evernote sharing experience (finally!)


Feb 10 2025 | Issue 30 | Link to this issue | Subscribe

Hi Reader –

Evernote’s sharing got a major upgrade.

For years, sharing notes outside of Evernote came with frustrating limitations — formatting issues, clunky permissions, and a poor experience for non-Evernote users. That’s recently changed.

Evernote’s revamped sharing system finally lets you:

✅ Share notes that look exactly as they do in your account
✅ Control who can view or edit—including non-Evernote users
✅ Update permissions without resending a new link

And, when you rely on Evernote as your primary productivity dashboard it's very functional to be able to enable people – even non-Evernote users – to view notes.

I had an epiphany about this when I was at Kit’s Craft + Commerce conference last year. I watched speaker after speaker share their notes and lead magnets… on Notion 🤦‍♀️ I sent a message to the Evernote team (remember, I don’t work for them but I interact with them in my role as an Evernote Certified Consultant) asking: “Can you please fix this?! There’s no reason there shouldn’t be Evernote links being shared!”

The good news is that sharing recently got a major overhaul and works SO much better than it did before.

Let’s walk through the process of sharing data with others.

How to Share a Note in Evernote

Click the Share button in the upper-right corner to open the sharing menu. There are two sections:

A: Invite People – This is where you invite Evernote users to collaborate.

B: Public Sharing – This controls access to your note outside of Evernote (including for non-Evernote users).

Evernote's Note Share Options

A: Invite People — Share with Evernote Users

If you’re sharing with another Evernote user, enter their name or email in the invite field.

Then, define their access level:
🔹 Full Access – Can edit and share the note.
✏️ Can Edit – Can make changes but can’t share.
👁 Can View – Read-only access.


Click Send Invite, and they’ll receive an email with access. The note will also appear in their Shared with Me space in Evernote.

After inviting, they will be added to the "People with access" section. From here you can update or revoke permissions from the menu next to their name at any time:

Evernote Sharing Permissions

B: Public Sharing

In addition to inviting Evernote users, you can also make a note publicly accessible from any web browser.

Evernote Public Note Publishing Permissions

By default, notes are Restricted (only invited users can view). But you can change this setting to:

👁️ Anyone with the link can view – Makes the note viewable in a browser when connected to the internet.
✏️ Anyone with the link can edit – Lets anyone edit the note in the browser, even without an Evernote account.

Chose your permissions then click Copy Link, and you’re set. Now, anyone with the link can access the note from their web browser.

And if you ever want to revoke public access, just change the setting back to Restricted.

FAQ: If I Change Permissions, Do I Need a New Link?

Nope! The link is smart — it reflects the latest permission settings.

Example: If you originally allow editing but later switch to view-only, the same link will update automatically.

This means:

  • No need to resend links

  • You control access at any time

Use Cases Ideas

  • Presenters & Trainers – Share supporting notes with your audience instantly.

  • Client Collaboration – Keep a shared checklist or dashboard without forcing clients to sign up for Evernote.

  • Event Planning – Let dinner guests log what they’re bringing to a potluck.

Remember my realization at Kit’s conference last year? Well thanks to these updates to Evernote’s sharing feature, I can now confidently share my notes with everyone from the stage. And you can share them as lead magnets, shopping lists, client updates, team projects, and so much more.

Cheers to your productivity –


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